Delphian's student leadership program is designed to work seamlessly with our academic program.
School clubs and organizations are more than optional extra-curricular activities at Delphian: they are a required element of each student's educational journey, teaching required competencies of participation, contribution, responsibility and leadership.
The Delphian leadership program begins with "student service" assignments designed to give students experience in holding different kinds of jobs as part of a group. Through their assigned student service, students practice being dependable, and learn the value of their contribution and of teamwork. Once students prove these skills, they are promoted to a position of responsibility in our student council. After demonstrating exceptional ability in student council, senior students are invited to participate in our outreach program, where they create and complete a large project focused on helping to make the world a better place.
Student service
Delphian's student service program provides students with an opportunity to grow by experiencing success and failure in a safe and supportive environment while learning how to make valuable and productive contribution to their community.
Student services give students a chance to learn about responsibility, hard work and the value of being dependable.Student service jobs vary in duties and responsibility. Students begin with simple entry level jobs like sweeping a hallway or cleaning a classroom. They are promoted to positions with increasing levels of responsibility and leadership as they demonstrate their dependability and industriousness.
The positions are designed to be challenging but doable, lasting for fifty minutes each weekday and a few hours on the weekend, scheduled so as to avoid interference with the student's academic program.
Student Council
Once students have shown their ability to hold a position of trust and responsibility through the student service program, they are invited to join student council, to hold a position of greater responsibility and leadership in the Delphian community.
Student council is a governing body consisting of the top-performing students in the academic and practical area. Student council members manage a variety of essential functions in the Delphian community including: creating and managing student activities on the weekends, fundraising for prom, overseeing study halls, assisting in the library, helping students feel welcome in the dorms, giving tours of the school and more.
Each student is expected to be fully responsible for their position, to challenge themselves to create good results, and to become leaders in the student body.
Student Outreach
We encourage the concept of global citizenship, of a worldwide community working as a team to improve conditions. Our student outreach initiative is an opportunity for senior students to explore their part in that team. Seniors are eligible for invitation once they have acquitted themselves admirably on student council, thus fulfilling that practical requirement.
A student participating in the outreach program must first research, plan and propose a meaningful project, approximately 75 hours in length, that will positively impact the local or global community, either independently or through a volunteer organization of their choice.
Where and how they conduct these service projects is up to them. What's important to us is that our seniors are learning global citizenship and seeking ways to contribute to the world at large.
Recent global outreach projects planned and orchestrated by our seniors include: volunteering to help with cleanup after hurricane damage in Florida; teaching study skills to students in China; volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa; traveling to Afghanistan to create films for a school trying to improve education in that country; building a network of bridges and hiking trails on Delphian's campus, and the list goes on.
OUr Mission
To empower young adults to bring positive change in the world through reason, creativity and integrity.